Зимний чемпионат Белгорода. 2 лига: розыгрыш: 2025
friend requests: {{counters.friendshipRequests}}
To my conversationsTo my conversations
Unread conversations
{{counters.messages}}, review
Last conversations
message a user
teams chats
discuss a tournament
create a post about team or tournament
contact Goalstream support
contact Goalstream support
Open a user page and click «send message» under his avatar to start a dialogue.
Previous dialogues with your friends (as well as team and tournaments chats) are also listed on Messages
You can join a team conversation in the «Team`s chat» section of the upper menu on a team page or in the conversations list of your Messages
Team conversation can be viewed only by team`s members.
To discuss a tournament, open a «Tournament`s chat» section in the upper menu of tournament page.
You can also find chats of tournaments, you are participating, in your Messages
To create a news post on a team or tournament wall, open it`s page and scroll down to the start of the news feed.
There you can find a publish block (with editor to create a media-posts).
Install ourGoalstream mobile appto get in touch with sports - you`ll recieve push-notifications of your games statuses and see the incoming messages.
To «Teams» section of my personal accountTo «Teams» section of my personal account
My teams, to «Teams» section of my personal accountto «Teams» section of my personal account
Incoming requests
{{counters.clubQueries}}, review
reply to incoming requests
add a team
leave a team
team roster management
connect my team`s partners
transfer market
1. If you wish to join the exact team - get to your profile page and click «Add team» in the central area. 2. To find a new team on a transfer market - open a Search page, select your city, teams section and mark «looking for players» on the right. 3. To create a brand new team - get to the Teams section of your personal profile and click «Create team» under the teams list.
To leave a team, open it`s page, click «I play for this team» under it`s avatar and choose «Leave team».
To manage your team`s current roster (add players, dismiss them, manage their paramaters) - open the team`s page and select a section Roster => «Current team roster» in the upper menu.
If you want to make an application for exact tournament - you can do it by selecting the tournament in the same Roster menu or by pressing «Apply team to tournament» on the right of the tournament`s page.
Get into your team site in Goalstream and say «hello» to everyone in Chat section of the upper menu. In section Roster => «Current team roster», add to friends the ones, who are already in the net, and state contacts (email and phone) for those who are not - we`ll send them an invitations. Gather your friends on the team site, elect a captain, and additional options will be opened.
While on the team`s page, you can manage if your team is searching for a players now or not - in the Manage section of the upper menu.
If you wish to find a players on a transfer market - get to the Search page, select Sportsmen section, your city and «looking for team» marker.
You can review a team ratings on the team page, by pressing «Statistics and ratings» diagram in the central area of Main section.
Comparison to the same region, age, gender, sport teams is available - you can easily understand, how good a team is, just by markers colors.
You can manage your team`s information, vote for a captain, set default match formations, set a team`s site appearance, link your domain name to team`s site - all on your team page.
Get to a team`s page by clicking it`s icon on the top of this menu or in the «Teams» section of your personal account.
To «Tournaments» section of my personal accountTo «Tournaments» section of my personal account
My tournaments, to «Tournaments» section of my personal accountto «Tournaments» section of my personal account
Incoming requests
{{counters.championshipQueries}}, review
Premium features
till {{item.premium_info.activated_till}}
till {{item.premium_info.activated_till}}
reply to incoming requests
apply to tournament
register teams to tournament
tournaments management
matches management
create a tournament
organization site settings
design for social networks posts
To apply your team for tournament participation, click «Apply team to tournament» on the right side of tournament page.
You can also use «Sign up» section in the upper menu of organization - every tournament, available for registration, is listed there.
To add teams to your tournaments, open a section «Teams» in the upper menu of the tournament page.
There you can invite teams, which were already in the system, to participate in tournament (this, who are administered by you, will be registered automatically) or create a new ones.
All your tournaments can be found in «Tournaments» section of your personal account.
To manage tournament information, applications, permissions, appearance settings, use a Manage => «Tournament settings» section in the upper menu of tournament page.
Standings settings can be modified in Statistics => «Standings section» of the same menu.
You can set all the matches rules in the Manage => «Tournament settings» section of adminned tournament page.
Competition format and matches schedule management - in «Schedule» section of the same menu.
You can create a new season of tournament on it`s own page by clicking the seasons selector in the top menu.
If you want to create a brand new tournament - get to the «Tournaments» section in your personal account and click «Add new tournament».
To manage your organization settings, pages appearance, text description, link your domain name to organization site in Goalstream - use Manage => «Organization settings» section of the upper menu on the organization page.
You want to save a big ammount of money, time and resources for your organization?
Automatize a creation a designer posts of your tournaments statistics to social networks, with Goalstream posts constructor - «Templates management» in social networks publication window.
Contact our Support - and we`ll assist you in creation a beautiful posts with your style.
To «Sportsmen» section of my personal accountTo «Sportsmen» section of my personal account
My sportsman status
awaiting approvalactive
My transfer market status
looking for a teamnot looking for a team
Incoming requests
{{counters.personQueries}}, review
reply to incoming requests
become a sportsman
become a sportsman
sportsmen page management
transfer market
create a player, referee, coach profile
disqualify a player
You can manage a sportsman profile settings on his page, with the section Manage of upper menu.
And on your own page, you can set an invidual appearance, state contacts and choose a link for a page.
While on your own profile page, you can manage if you are searching for a team now or not - in the Manage section of the upper menu.
If you wish to find a team on a transfer market - get to the Search page, select Teams section, your city and «looking for a players» marker.
To create a player/coach into some team current roster - get to the team`s page and select Roster => «Add player» in the upper menu.
To create a player/coach without a team or referee profile - use Add sportsman button in the Sportsmen section of your personal account.
You can review a player`s position in ratings on his page, in the Ratings section of the upper menu.
Comparison to the same region, age, gender players is available - you can easily understand, how good a player is, just by markers colors.
To disqualify a player, open his page and click Manage => Disqualify in the upper menu.
This way, you can add or remove player`s disqualification for choosen matches.
Last played match
{{mainData.calendar.last.score.home}} : {{mainData.calendar.last.score.away}}no information
Closest match
{{mainData.calendar.next.datetime.date}}no information
show games, I participate in
show my followed games
show my followed games
make a match forecast
city games map
You can make a match forecast on the match`s page (in a block below the teams names) or on the tournament/team pages (in the block on the right).
Forecasts can be made in 10 days interval before the game.
Major sports organizations of my region
Biggest city
Live tournaments
Upcoming tournaments
players on transfer
clubs in search of players
closest tournaments
playgrounds map
change my region
Fifa world cup 2018
To my page
Даты проведения
10.03.2018 - 15.07.2018
Предыдущий победитель
Сыграно матчей
Прогресс сезона
День 2 из 15 ===--------------------------------
Ближайший матч
Заборостроитель - Демо клуб Спартак
список команд
турнирная таблица
таблица бомбардиров
{{balance/100 | number }} RUB
Premium features
till {{mainData.user.premium_info.activated_till}}
till {{item.premium_info.activated_till}}
till {{item.premium_info.activated_till}}
add funds
orders history
My account
To my page
Interface language
Friend requests
{{counters.friendshipRequests}}, review
Premium features
Personal Premium
till {{mainData.user.premium_info.activated_till}}
to account settings
approve email
add friends
install mobile app
contact Goalstream support
contact Goalstream support
To add a friend, open a user page and click «add friend» under his avatar.
You can find users in the Search section of this menu.
To approve your email, use a link in the mail, we`ve send you.
If you didn`t recieve the mail - check you «spam» folder.
You can request a mail again in the site login form.
To the search pageAll results({{searchResults.allResults.count}})
New level for your team site! Activate Premium-Account for your team and you will be able to:
1. Set your unique team site appearance (colors and background). Take a look at example - here.
2. Link your domain name to team page (for example club.com or club.goalstream.org).
3. Add practices to team calendar, lead players gatherings for games in few clicks.
4. Place your partners banners on the team page. Goalstream banners will disappear.
Funds on your balance can be used for ordering Goalstream services
Please, confirm your payment in opened window.
Funds on your balance can be used for ordering Goalstream services
Credit cards payment service
is delivered by Yandex.Dengi
Please, confirm your payment in opened window.
Funds on your balance can be used for ordering Goalstream services
Credit cards payment service
is delivered by Yandex.Dengi
Фото {{activePhoto+1}}/{{cntPhotos}}
Association`s Premium account
Boost your site! Get advanced features for your league site (tournaments: {{counts.champs}}) on Goalstream engine, by activating organization Premium-Account!
You`ll be able to:
1. Activate your organization site pages appearance (colors, background). Click here, to view example or here, to try. 2. Connect a domain name (for example, league.goalstream.org or league.com) to your organization site. We`ll use the domain name you already have or help you to register a new one. 3. Make beautiful posts to social networks, using Goalstream templates or by creating your own in interactive constructor. Take a look at samples and video guide. Click here and we`ll help you create your own style. 4. Manage your organization accounting, including automatic calculations of participation fees, referees wages, money penalties, playgrounds rent and other payments. 5. Select players of the match and manage advanced team statistics in games (shots, possession, etc). 6. Set a teams formations in matches and manage all-tournament teams. 7. Manage your organization partners banners. Goalstream banners will disappear. 8. Ratings sections will open on all your teams and players pages. Click here, to see an example.
Click here to ask us abour service. We will help in everything!
Order Premium-Account now, starting from {{price1}}{{minSum}} RUB in a month (all payments methods are possible).
view all subscription plans
Organization Premium-Account cost depends on number of teams, participated in it`s last tournaments. Number of such teams in your organization is {{counts.clubs}}.
Subscriptions plans in the table shown excluding discounts.
Discount depends on your teams players, registered in the network. Number of such players now is {{counts.regs}}, your discount is {{discount}}%. You can see a number of players needed to increase your discount - in the table below.
To make a publication to VKontakte, you should authorize our Goalstream.org application
Make a post to your own or your group wall at VKontakte. It uses choosen template to create an image and posts it to VK. You have to select style, general and data layouts to create a post. Premium and your own templates publication is allowed with activated organization Premium-accountteam Premium-account.
Creates an image, using choosen template, and saves it to your computer. You have to select style, general and data layouts to create a post. Premium and your own templates publication is allowed with activated organization Premium-accountteam Premium-account.
Creates a code of automatically renewed statistics widget, which can be built-in on your site pages.
Feel free to contact Goalstream support if you have any question regarding posts, templates or Premium-Account!
Matches history
{{selectedPerson.name || customHeadTitle}}
Invitation for match has been sent!
To invite player, state his email and/or phone number {{selectedPerson.name}},
for us to send him invitation to match.
To invite players to match,
you have to state their contacts first. You can do it with no need of visiting their pages, by pressing horn icon near the player, it will open a window where you can enter contact data and send the invitation to match.
To invite player, state his phone number {{selectedPerson.name}} — and we will send him invitation to Goalstream (login and password) via SMS! It is free!
Invitation for match sent to player`s email!
To invite player, state his email {{selectedPerson.name}} — and we will send him invitation to Goalstream!
Invitation for match sent to player`s phone by sms!
Enter player`s mobile phone {{selectedPerson.name}}.
To send invitation, you have to state {{matchTimeNotSet && _t('time') || ''}}{{matchTimeNotSet && matchStadiumNotSet ? _t(' and ') : ''}}{{matchStadiumNotSet && _t('_TO_PLAYGROUND') || ''}}
You want to change decision to {{ANSWER_ACCEPT == answer ? _t('i will come') : ''}}{{ANSWER_REJECT == answer ? _t('i won`t come') : ''}} to match?
You want to decide to {{ANSWER_ACCEPT == answer ? _t('i will come') : ''}}{{ANSWER_REJECT == answer ? _t('i won`t come') : ''}} for player {{selectedPerson.name}}?
You can make a decision for player when it would be less than 24 hours, if he would not make a decision by himself.
This player was already invited to Goalstream. Cost of second invitation to match will be {{smsPrice / 100}} RUB.
Cost of SMS-invitation to match will be {{smsPrice / 100}} RUB.
You can send free invitatations to match inside Goalstream website, mobile application or player`s email
Invitation to match was sent to player`s phone by sms!
Become admin!
In order to perform this action you must be an administrator of the .
Login and become administrator!
or signup
Become admin!
In order to perform this action you must be an administrator of the tournament or club.
Login and become administrator!